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 The heartrending struggles of human nature are brought to the surface through a spellbinding mystery of time travel and the opportunity to redo life’s choices. Every day, humans make lasting decisions for love and family. Choices are often made with scant concern about the future. Sorrow, suffering, and anguish are interspersed throughout life. Life experiences make them the person they become.

 Humans are not alone on their evolutionary path. They are watched. Left to their own choices, they are destructive and a danger to life itself. Unbeknownst to them, they have received guidance for millennia. Generation after generation has benefited and become better for it. Until today.

 In a newly constructed New Hampshire airport terminal lies a picturesque indoor garden with a central ancient wooden bench. The relic, having benefited humankind through the ages, is damaged en route to its lush new home. Once it was a guide to humanity becoming a better version of itself. Now, those who rest upon it suffer haunting and disturbing visions from critical moments in their lives. Humanities guide has become its protagonist.

 Jack Roberts labors to complete the Benchmark Air terminal to keep his business afloat. While confronting acute heartache aggravated by visions when sitting on the well-worn bench, he discovers love with Kourin. She, herself, has buried torment from her teenage years. Scars that run deep into her inner soul. Together, as their love strengthens, they struggle to understand the force behind the bench and its true motives.

 While Jack discovers love, Harry, his best friend, continues his downward spiral from the death of his wife. After an enlightening experience on the bench, Harry seeks to control his visions to visit his beloved Christine. Instead, it returns him to relive his childhood of physical abuse at the hand of his alcoholic father. Harry searches how to control the bench, prevent his wife’s death, and return to the happiest days in his life. Yet, in his subconscious sits a dark secret, eating away at the thin thread of his sanity.

 The owner of the terminal café, Laurel, has recurrent nightmares of a suicide bomber who killed a fellow soldier and injured many others, including herself. She regained stability through her support dog, Ubu, a four-year-old half Pitbull and half Lab who survived being left for trash in a dumpster as a puppy. Through the mysterious bench, Laurel is forced to face her attacker again. This time is different. She has her dog by her side. With Ubu’s fearlessness, she survives the attack for a second time and discovers the past can be altered. Now on a path of discovery to prevent the attack from ever happening, she strives to end the anguish of failure in her sworn duty to protect her unit.

 Decades old choices and painful loss can be relived and altered. The soul's foundations can be changed. The resetting of time can erase a poor decision or a misstep taken. Yet, the consequences of changing one decision can be catastrophic. While answers are sought, the unique terminal nears full operation, opening to the public. The bench, once the benign and profound influence on the humanity equation, endangers past timelines. Lives are ruptured. The fractured force continues unabated. How long until someone dissatisfied enough with their past decisions alters their history and causes a cascade threatening all of humankind?